ROSE Online

Here is the guide for you to play the game Rose Online.

Here is the guide for you to play the game Rose Online. First of all, this is not a get rich easy guide... those don't exist. Rather, this is a theoretical analysis of the ROSE economy, written by someone who has taken all too many classes that have not yet applied in real life at all. Hence, this. Now, let's go over a couple of basic principles of economy. Anything produced through labor is a commodity. In the case of ROSE, labor means the time people spend hunting monster for drops, or the time they spend collecting drops to craft an item. Labor is done mostly by the plebeians, aka, the downtrodden minority on the shoulders of which stand those that can manipulate the commodities market. Hence, the next and most important principle of the economy.

ROSE Online


mmo fantasy games

Here is the guide for you to play the game Rose Online.