Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be specially groomed for PC. Treyarch development team will introduce quirky things such as support for split screen multiplayer and FOV slider. These and similar decisions and implementation were previously seen only on ports these great games. But now it's changed. Call of Duty is a game that has always delighted players around the world, but these changes were really necessary. Much has been added to improve appearance and gameplay but this remarkable series. Continue Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 for PC will have a lot to offer.

In addition to the aforementioned FOV slider, introduced 4K supported resolution, and it can be adjusted manually and no framerate of the game. It will be done and optimized for SLI and Crossfire configurations. As for the gameplay - are confirmed dedicated servers. Who wants to play offline gameplay modes that will be able to experience the split screen mode for two players. Improvements were made to the more advanced functions chat and players will be amazed at the improvement.