Crowns of Power

Crowns of Power is an exciting new MMORPG, consisting of two servers populated by thousands of players from all over the world.

Crowns of Power is an exciting new MMORPG, consisting of two servers populated by thousands of players from all over the world. Each server fits a specific play style, like the PvP server where players can attack each other and fight for control of guild halls, and the PvE server where people can focus on game content without worrying about being attacked. This in depth world is at a price that everyone can afford as well, with a totally free download and no subscription fee! Crowns of Power offers some unique game play features that are lacking from many of the modern MMORPGs today, such as Player vs Player combat, in depth guild systems and a unique class system that gives you added variety when creating your character. Powerful guilds can rise to power and purchase guild halls to control valuable resources, wage war against one another and even conquer guild owned territory. Members of the community also vote democratically on pardons for players that are of murderer status, adding another layer of social and political interaction. Going beyond the game mechanics, Crowns of Power gives players a unique sense of community in the game world. Player’s reputations become important as you grow in level and become more involved in the political aspects of the game amongst its player base. It’s a game world that provides users with a unique and fulfilling experience, as you lose that sense of being just another face in the crowd as you establish yourself and become more involved in the social dynamics of the game. Start your journey into this fantasy world, filled with challenges and adventure! You’ll need to complete quests for money, slay beasts, and conquer dungeons for rare spells and artifacts as you battle your way through the world of Arder!

Crowns of Power


mmo rpg games

Crowns of Power is an exciting new MMORPG, consisting of two servers populated by thousands of players from all over the world.