It looks like the Xbox order page of Fallout 4 has recently been updated. We noticed this update early today and this update is only available for the Xbox One users.
The update is that this game will have 28.12GB of file size in Xbox One. Now though Fallout didn't disclose the file size for PlayStation 4 but it looks like the file in PlayStation 4 will also have similar size for the gamers. This is a large size for a game like this and it looks like the game will worth the size.
You will understand the bigness of this game when you will know that Fallout 3 had a size of 5.48GB. This again shows how the console gaming industry is growing and getting bigger. It is getting tough for the short sized hard drive owners to keep pace with the big sized games.
If you add the regular updates, extra items, DLC and other features with this main game size, you will be having even a bigger result. We all hope that this game worth this shot. Let's wait till November to find out as the game will release on November 10 worldwide.