Facebook Introduces $1 Messages

You can now send messages to total strangers for $1…

Facebook Inc, which started the year 2012 with a statement about being more concerned about the members than they are about making money, is going to mark the year end with an introduction of yet another method to try and squeeze money out of the pockets of their users.

The newest money-making attempt comes as a refurbishing to its very popular Messaging service; the part of Fb that you are able to message or e-mail the people in your “friend list" as well as, people who are not in it. So what is changing? A spokesperson described it as a "little experiment".  Facebook is going to begin charging money from some people to send messages to people who are not in their friend list.

$1 might seem a bit steep for just shooting a message to someone, but it doesn’t matter as Facebook would lower the price for sure if nobody uses it. However, this most recent "test" demonstrates how eager Facebook is to show Wall Street that it is certainly building a money-generating online empire, as it is searching for new ways of adding income streams that aren’t coupled with advertising and, more importantly, trying to acquire credit card details of more users.

In contrast to some of the other consumer tech giants - namely, Amazon and Apple - Fb has a huge wealth of information regarding all of its users, yet relatively has only a small number of credit cards. And they are constantly trying to change it.

As Facebook now has billion-plus users, even if a considerably small portion of its users decides to use the new feature, there will be plenty of potential.

Facebook Introduces $1 Messages


news technology

You can now send messages to total strangers for $1…