Monster Hunter World Will Add New Monsters As Free DLC

Monster Hunter: World will get free downloadable content, just as fans have experienced for the last decade of the series, according to the game’s producer



Popular Monster Hunter World will receive free updates post-launch.

Packet of DLC following its release, including a set of Horizon:
Zero Dawn gear and Mega Man armor for your Palico.

Ryozo Tsujimoto himself recently confirmed:

“We are thinking about free, post-launch updates for Monster Hunter: World. What I can specifically say is that we plan to new monsters and such in hopes that users play for a long time. As for what kind of monsters will be added and so on, information will be shared later on, so please look forward to it.”


The beta ends on December 12 and features three sample quests in the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste levels.
In the beta You can hunt the Anjanath, the Great Jagras and the Barroth.

All players who complete all three quests will earn "some useful bonus items" in the full title when it launches.


For PS4 and Xbox One Monster Hunter World releas on January 26 and PC release will be later in 2018.


Monster Hunter World Will Add New Monsters As Free DLC


Monster Hunter: World will get free downloadable content, just as fans have experienced for the last decade of the series, according to the game’s producer