Pre-Buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC for $39

Pre-Buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt available now for PC for only $39

 Pre-Buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt available now for PC for only $39.

This game ( Witcher 3 ) arriving in middle of May 19 developer announced.



The Witcher 3 is one of the best offers at the moment and one of the best we have ever seen. The Green Man Gaming currently offering pre purchases and its available for only $39 whats 35 perfect off of this game who is standard price around $60.

The copy of this game arriving in middle of May ( 19th ) and this game going to be free on almost every platform.

Green Man Gaming always have best deals for PC games, GOG and Steam offering this same game for $54, Console Players can buy The Witcher 3 for Playstation 4 and Xbox One for that price but on PC Green Man Gaming offering The Witcher 3 for an $39 whats awesome price for this game.

The Witcher 3 going to be ready at May 19th but since the game unlocks at 1 AM that means some lucky players in US can actually start playing this game on May 18th.




Pre-Buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC for $39


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news pc playstation xbox games adventure the witcher 3: wild hunt

Pre-Buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt available now for PC for only $39

Pre-Buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC for $39 Keywords