Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok was released for Nintendo DS on February 16, 2010 after being highly successful in Japan following its original release of 2008.

Ragnarok was released for Nintendo DS on February 16, 2010 after being highly successful in Japan following its original release of 2008. XSeed Games worked to translate the game for US audiences. Based on the MMORPG, this game is a RPG with wireless capability for up to 3 people. The story in Ragnarok is well, I couldn’t tell you, as it really is a plodding and poorly paced tale. From what I can gather, evil forces are pursuing a girl named Sierra to sacrifice to their Goddess in exchange for ultimate power. Naturally, these evildoers have names like Mysterious Man and Black Knight. Very typical and something tells me that their actual names are just as silly as well. It is RPG villainy 101. Anyway, soldiers are chasing this girl in the beginning when she suddenly falls down a cliff. Encountering the adventurer, Ales, she can’t remember much of anything. Though given her personality, she could be just naive... Either way the game handles amnesia quite incorrectly; you don’t forget what basic things like money are! Maybe the developers thought it would be a cute touch for Sierra, as clichéd as it is. Anyway, Ales is looking to form a guild to make money (it is refreshing to see a character with simple motives) so he decides the best way to help Sierra is to take her on his quest. Yes, exposing a vulnerable soul to the danger of monsters and traps is a great way to jog her memory, no?

Ragnarok Online


mmo fantasy games

Ragnarok was released for Nintendo DS on February 16, 2010 after being highly successful in Japan following its original release of 2008.