Games like Call of Duty are not easy to play. Obviously, it takes time to finish a mission. Unlike Battlefield Hardline, you will die a lot of times in games like Call of Duty because these games are closer to the real world. Call of Duty is going to publish their latest game soon as the pre-order already started a month before. Did you know about a very interesting thing about Call of Duty: Black Ops III?
Call of Duty Black Ops III will completely change the way you play games because guess what? If you are playing on the difficult mode then one shot is enough to kill you. It is like the real world in most cases. Unless you are shot in hands or legs, one shot will kill you and you will be out of the match within seconds.Surviving the co-ops will be a lot tougher and at the end of the day, only patience will help you to win this battle.
According to Call of Duty authority, "If you're playing Black Ops III's co-op campaign with computer characters instead of human friends, you may be happy to learn that the game's AI has been completely rewritten to "make independent decisions," Blundell explained. He added: "We have more types of AI than we've ever had before."
This interesting game is going to be live on November 6th and the pre-order is on. Check the interesting trailer of this game before you leave.