A new Fallout game: Fallout 76

A new Fallout game: Fallout 76

A surprise by Bethesda, a new Fallout game coming soon!

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Fallout 4

Fallout 4

The best thing about Fallout 4 is the flexibility that it gives you, not just with what to do and where to go, additionally how missions will turn out. Will you talk out of a specific journey or keep running in all weapons blasting? The decision is yours.

news games rpg fallout 4
Fallout 4 Will Run 1080p

Fallout 4 Will Run 1080p

Popular Fallout 4 Will Run 1080p / 30fps on Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4.

news pc games xbox one fallout 4
Here's When Fallout 4's Next DLC Unlocks

Here's When Fallout 4's Next DLC Unlocks

Fallout 4's Contraptions Workshop DLC will launch tonight

news games
Details For Fallout 4 On Xbox Came Out

Details For Fallout 4 On Xbox Came Out

The Fallout has already created buzz among the gamers and it looks like there is an update for Xbox users. Read this article to know more.

news xbox one
Bethesda Built Really Good FPS for Fallout 4

Bethesda Built Really Good FPS for Fallout 4

Bethesda Built Really Good FPS for Fallout 4. Awesome FPS will be at Fallout 4 Bethesda Announced.

news apple action racing fallout 4
There are new Details for Fallout 4 at Quakecon 2015

There are new Details for Fallout 4 at Quakecon 2015

There are new Details for Fallout 4 at Quakecon 2015

news games fallout 4
There is No Chance of Fallout 4 on PS3 or Xbox 360

There is No Chance of Fallout 4 on PS3 or Xbox 360

There is No Chance of Fallout 4 on PS3 or Xbox 360. It's clear already

news pc playstation xbox games xbox one fallout 4
Wasteland 2

Wasteland 2

In Wasteland 2’s alternative history, America lays lifeless in the hot ashes and radioactive embers of a deadly nuclear holocaust. Players take command of an elite squad of desert Rangers, formed in the time-honoured tradition of the Texas and Arizona Rangers. Setting out across post-apocalyptic and treacherous landscapes players try to help the last remaining remnants of humanity survive against hordes of desperate bandits, insane criminals, decaying mutants and much worse.

pc featured rpg strategy games wasteland 2
Please, No More Live Services

Please, No More Live Services

Discussing the pitfalls of gaming's live service model, from failed titles like Anthem and Fallout 76 to predatory monetization and its toll on developers. Is this the future we want?

news live service anthem fallout 76 bethesda monetization
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