Microsoft list games coming to Xbox One

Microsoft list games coming to Xbox One

Here is Microsoft lists many of the independent games coming to Xbox One

news games
Is Microsoft Working on an Xbox Gaming Tablet...

Is Microsoft Working on an Xbox Gaming Tablet...

iPad Mini Watch out…

news microsoft
Microsoft Clarifies Xbox Scorpio Frame Rate/Fidelity Stance

Microsoft Clarifies Xbox Scorpio Frame Rate/Fidelity Stance

It's up to developers to decide how they want to leverage the power of the console.

news devices
Xbox Founder Left Microsoft: Is Something New Coming?

Xbox Founder Left Microsoft: Is Something New Coming?

Boyd Multerer, the founder and director of Xbox Live system resigned from Microsoft to do "something new". Read the details in this article.

news devices
Hackers Sold Counterfeit Xbox One After Infiltrating Microsoft

Hackers Sold Counterfeit Xbox One After Infiltrating Microsoft

Hacking ring also accused of using MS employee data to break into corporation's Redmond office; Valve also hacked and Modern Warfare 3 stolen.Two hackers have pleaded guilty, and another two have been charged, of participating in an elaborate international scheme to build a counterfeit Xbox One from data stolen online.

news android xbox
PS3 Sells 70 Million Units Worldwide

PS3 Sells 70 Million Units Worldwide

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 sales hit the same number a month ago…

news playstation
TOP 10 games for the Microsoft Xbox 360 console

TOP 10 games for the Microsoft Xbox 360 console

Another fierce console, another fierce ranking of most wanted games.

news microsoft
Key for Microsoft Futureare Xbox One Games and HoloLens

Key for Microsoft Futureare Xbox One Games and HoloLens

Key for Microsoft Futureare Xbox One Games and HoloLens

pc xbox games xbox one microsoft
Microsoft plans to invest one billion dollars in Xbox One games

Microsoft plans to invest one billion dollars in Xbox One games

Phil Harrison revealed that Microsoft is investing a lot of funds in the gaming experience on the Xbox One.

news microsoft
Microsoft Exec Responds to Xbox One's Lack of Backwards Compatibility

Microsoft Exec Responds to Xbox One's Lack of Backwards Compatibility

In a wide-ranging podcast interview with The Inner Circle, Head of Xbox Phil Spencer pledged to gamers that he's listening to feedback regarding the Xbox One's lack of backwards compatibility. He said he understands the value gamers see in playing older games on a new console like the Xbox One, and even teased that Microsoft may deliver a solution some day.

news xbox
Showing 1 to 10 of 435 results