Star Wars Battlefront Revealed Details

Star Wars Battlefront Revealed Details

The upcoming multiplayer battle revealed more details about it to make the gamers even more excited. What are those details? Read in this article.

Star Wars Battlefront in October

Star Wars Battlefront in October

Star Wars Battlefront in October

news pc playstation games star wars xbox one star wars battlefront
Star Wars Battlefront 3 Is Approved for Steam Release

Star Wars Battlefront 3 Is Approved for Steam Release

Developer not overly concerned about getting a cease and desist order from Disney.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta will be Free to All

Star Wars Battlefront Beta will be Free to All

Star Wars Battlefront Beta will be Free to All Also Electronic Arts answer on questions but there is still no word about release date

news pc playstation xbox games star wars battlefront
Star Wars Beta Exposed a Huge Flaw

Star Wars Beta Exposed a Huge Flaw

The Star Wars Battlefront beta released two days ago and the Star Wars lovers loved it in the very first sight. Is this game that good? Well, there is a huge flaw even in the beta mode. Read our article to know more.

Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars Galaxies

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

mmo sci-fi games
Star Wars Battlefront's Bespin DLC gets a release date

Star Wars Battlefront's Bespin DLC gets a release date

Star Wars Battlefront's Bespin DLC is really close to us !

news games
You can play Star Wars BattleFront at EA Playtest Next Week

You can play Star Wars BattleFront at EA Playtest Next Week

You can play Star Wars BattleFront at EA Playtest Next Week

news games sci-fi
Arma 3 Mod and Miley Cyrus At Star Wars

Arma 3 Mod and Miley Cyrus At Star Wars

Arma 3 Mod and Miley Cyrus At Star Wars

news games action arma 3


This is cool !

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