Xbox One and Xbox 360 Deals With Gold Just This Week

Xbox One and Xbox 360 Deals With Gold Just This Week

Xbox One and Xbox 360 Deals With Gold Just This Week

xbox devices consoles
PS3 Sells 70 Million Units Worldwide

PS3 Sells 70 Million Units Worldwide

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 sales hit the same number a month ago…

news playstation
April's Free Xbox Games Available Now

April's Free Xbox Games Available Now

Today is first day of april and four free games are available to download on Xbox Live

android news pc playstation xbox games
There is No Chance of Fallout 4 on PS3 or Xbox 360

There is No Chance of Fallout 4 on PS3 or Xbox 360

There is No Chance of Fallout 4 on PS3 or Xbox 360. It's clear already

news pc playstation xbox games xbox one fallout 4
Just this Weex, Xboxes ( 360 and One ) Deals

Just this Weex, Xboxes ( 360 and One ) Deals

This Week's Xbox One and Xbox 360 Deals Revealed

news xbox
Call of Duty: Advance Warfare Leaked for Xbox 360

Call of Duty: Advance Warfare Leaked for Xbox 360

Call of Duty recently leaked for Xbox 360 on 30th October, 2014. The game is scheduled to be released on 3rd of November but a leaked version released and gamers already started to play it.

news xbox
Microsoft list games coming to Xbox One

Microsoft list games coming to Xbox One

Here is Microsoft lists many of the independent games coming to Xbox One

news games
Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma's engaging blend of Western RPG stylings and Monster Hunter-enlivened battle years back when it initially dropped for the Xbox 360.

news pc playstation xbox games action rpg dragon's dogma
GTA V is Set To Release For Xbox One, PS4 and PC

GTA V is Set To Release For Xbox One, PS4 and PC

Who doesn't know about Grand Theft Auto V? This was the latest version of the GTA series. After rocking the Xbox 360 and PS 3 life, this game is set to release for Xbox One, PC and for PS4. If you have any of these then you should be ready for this game.

news pc playstation xbox
GTA Announced Next Expansion: Not Coming For Xbox 360 & PS3

GTA Announced Next Expansion: Not Coming For Xbox 360 & PS3

If you are a Grand Theft Auto lover and player then this is a big news for you. The next extension has already been announced and it is not coming for Xbox 360 & PS3. What will this extension offer? Read to know NOW!

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