Xbox One/Xbox 360 Sales

Xbox One/Xbox 360 Sales

Pretty good sales this week.

news xbox games devices consoles xbox one
Xbox One Vs. Xbox 360

Xbox One Vs. Xbox 360

This article will be suitable for those of you who want to buy Xbox one or want to switch from your Xbox 360. It will also be suitable to those who want to buy either Xbox One or Xbox 360. Read and you will know everything about these two devices.

Xbox One Crazy Deals!

Xbox One Crazy Deals!

Helluva good deals on XBOX One!

news games devices
One Xbox Elite Controller

One Xbox Elite Controller

Very well known and many popular Xbox consoles and up to now has surprise in the players of video games. This is good news, and the solution that we could hardly wait. One Xbox Elite Controller is a new controller for the latest Xbox console.

news reviews xbox one
PS4 'destroys' Xbox One

PS4 'destroys' Xbox One

According to a survey conducted by the site, the audience far more preferable Sony's next-gen pillars.

news playstation
Free Xbox One And Xbox 360 Games

Free Xbox One And Xbox 360 Games

Free games!

news games xbox devices consoles xbox one
Why Xbox One is Better?

Why Xbox One is Better?

Both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 released in near times to compete each other in the market. In this article, we are going to briefly discuss why Xbox one is considered as a better option than PlayStation 4. Hopefully, this article will help you to make your mind on what you are going to buy.

playstation xbox devices consoles
Upcoming Games For Xbox One

Upcoming Games For Xbox One

Xbox one is the latest version of Xbox. This console is the future generation console but there was confusion among people that whether new games will be released for Xbox One or not. The confusion is almost over as games are releasing for this console too. All these awesome games are going to be released pretty soon/have already been released for Xbox One.

news xbox games
Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Games

Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Games

The Xbox One's backwards compatibility feature that has been released in November 2015, lets you play Xbox 360 games on the new console. Here you can see which games will be available.

xbox one
Best Games For Xbox One

Best Games For Xbox One

You should definitely buy one of these games !

news games xbox one
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