The Sudoku Challenge

The latest puzzle craze sweeping the Globe! Play the Japanese numbers game that's driving everyone mad!

The Sudoku Challenge - the latest puzzle craze sweeping the Globe! Play the Japanese numbers game that's driving everyone mad. We guarantee that once you've tried one Sudoku puzzle, you'll be hooked! The deceptively simple goal of Sudoku is to fill in the missing numbers in a 9x9 grid. It is a puzzle game of logic and reasoning, and doesn't require any calculating or special math skills; all that is required is brains and concentration. The number puzzle that has stormed its way into major newspapers, magazines, and websites across the United States, the United Kingdom and the world, Sudoku is quickly replacing the daily crossword as the game of choice. Now available on your home computer, with thousands of games to play.

The Sudoku Challenge


Magnetic Scrolls
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The latest puzzle craze sweeping the Globe! Play the Japanese numbers game that's driving everyone mad!