There are new Details for Fallout 4 at Quakecon 2015
Developer of Fallout 4 - Bethesda showed off a new demo for this game today at Quakecon conference, they have explained what new coming to the game.

Dog meat is physically based on the game's lead designer's dog. They filmed a real world dog how doing many things to make this Dog Meat as the best is possible. You will be available to find Dog Meat when you leave the Vault in same beggining at the game and you willl be available to send him into buildings to explore for you.
Also you will meet one of the characters from game - Preston Garvey whois leader of the Commonwealth Minutemen faction.
There are 70 perks, and each perk has a set of ranks. These total 275 different iterations of ranks.
And for those who dont know Fallout 4 is launced last year in November ( 10th ) for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.