The Unsolved Mystery Club is dedicated to finding the truth behind some of the most remarkable questions that remain unanswered. Recently, five of its accomplished explorers have vanished, each investigating a location presumed to have information about ancient aliens on earth. Who were they? Why did they come here? Only by locating your missing comrades will you be able to find any answers. Set out across the world in search of the lost explorers who hold the key to this extraterrestrial mystery. Explore facts and theories about ancient aliens as you uncover artifacts supporting the existence of visitors from other worlds in Africa, Antarctica, Central America, and more. Solve puzzles, master perplexing mini-games, and collect artifacts to gather evidence. Can you find out who were these ancient astronauts?
Unsolved Mystery Club(R) - Ancient Astronauts(R) Premium Edition
Search for missing explorers lost on the trail of a great secret.